My greatest lesson from this Action At Home was that peace and reconciliation start with me – if I want to offer opportunities for peace and reconciliation to others, I need to start with myself.
Category: Open Table
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May 30
Radical hospitality – The fourth step on the #JourneyOfHope
An ‘inside-out’ journey beginning with hosting ourselves and moving out to consider host-guest dynamics within congregations and communities.
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May 06
Being in a body – Embodiment, gender, sexuality and spiritual accompaniment
ARE WE spiritual beings having an embodied experience or embodied beings capable of spiritual experience? This was the question with which I began a recent workshop for trainee spiritual directors on embodiment, gender and sexuality, which I deliver on behalf of the Open Table network of ecumenical worship communities for LGBTQIA+ Christians and all who …
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Apr 15
The possibility of life – The third step on the #JourneyOfHope
Sometimes the Church can be an inhospitable place for those presenting a minority report, especially on gender identity and sexual orientation.
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Mar 18
Here I stand – The second step on the #JourneyOfHope
LAST MONTH I wrote about becoming a participant on the Journey of Hope pilgrimage of training in ‘Christian peace-building and reconciliation… to inspire and equip Christian leaders to become skilled practitioners of reconciliation in their churches and communities.’ On the brink of the second step on this journey, I wrote about the first – …
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Feb 27
In praise of God for LGBT History Month
FEBRUARY is LGBT History Month in the UK, an annual commemoration of the lives and achievements of LGBT+ people. Now in its 15th year, it was set up by Schools Out UK, which has campaigned for LGBT+ inclusion through education since 1974. This year’s theme is Peace, Activism and Reconciliation, as 2019 marks 50 years …
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Feb 08
Turning to one another – Setting out on a #JourneyOfHope
LAST AUTUMN I saw an advert for a fully-funded six-month training programme in ‘Christian peace-building and reconciliation… to inspire and equip Christian leaders to become skilled practitioners of reconciliation in their churches and communities.’ It seemed too good to be true – an opportunity for fully-funded personal and professional development at a time when I …
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