IT’S BEEN a year since the sixth step on the Journey of Hope pilgrimage of training in ‘Christian peace-building and reconciliation… to inspire and equip Christian leaders to become skilled practitioners of reconciliation in their churches and communities.’ The pilgrimage journey included five residential modules from January to June 2019 – I wrote my reflections on …
Tag: reconcilers together
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Jan 09
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans – What I learned from the #10YearChallenge
While I don’t usually take part in social media trends, this one seemed worthwhile, as this past ten years has been particularly significant for me.
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Feb 08
Turning to one another – Setting out on a #JourneyOfHope
LAST AUTUMN I saw an advert for a fully-funded six-month training programme in ‘Christian peace-building and reconciliation… to inspire and equip Christian leaders to become skilled practitioners of reconciliation in their churches and communities.’ It seemed too good to be true – an opportunity for fully-funded personal and professional development at a time when I …
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