FEBRUARY is LGBT+ History Month, an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary history. This year, the Methodist Church in Britain asked me to write a prayer which will be shared with churches for the month.
Category: identity
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2025/02/03/national-church-shares-lgbt-history-month-prayer/
Nov 24
My Christian journey – A testimonal for ministry training
IN MAY 2023 I began the process of applying to begin training as a Methodist minister in 2024. This is the testimonial I wrote for a portfolio as part of my application.
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2023/11/24/my-christian-journey-a-testimonal-for-ministry-training/
Nov 11
Finding your burning desire: Inspired by the call of Moses
THE REVELATION of God’s name and the call of Moses [3:1-15, 4:1-5], is an example of how, just when we think we have God figured out, God can overturn our expectations once again.
In Moses, God takes an inarticulate, excuse-riddled murderer and turns him into one of the greatest leaders of the Hebrew people, who becomes a prophet in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other faith traditions.
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2023/11/11/finding-your-burning-desire-inspired-by-the-call-of-moses/
Aug 31
An introspective retrospective – 10 years of blogging
TEN YEARS AGO today (as I turned 42) I began this blog. I wrote a brief retrospective after five years. Here’s an update on the next five: having ‘come out of the Catholic church‘ in 2011, then authorised as a lay leader in Church of England, I have now become a Methodist thanks to its commitment …
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/08/31/an-introspective-retrospective-10-years-of-blogging/
Jun 27
We boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God – A reflection for #PrideMonth
AT A SPECIAL communion service to celebrate the 14th birthday of the first Open Table community in Liverpool on Sunday 19th June 2022, I shared this reflection on Pride Month and how the origin of Open Table is linked to Liverpool’s first official Pride event. Readings: Romans 5: 1-5, Mark 5:1-20 “We boast in our hope …
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/06/27/we-boast-in-our-hope-of-sharing-the-glory-of-god-a-reflection-for-pridemonth/
May 21
What needs to be healed – On Franklin Graham’s UK tour & support for ‘conversion therapy’
AS CONTROVERSIAL US preacher Franklin Graham began his UK tour in Liverpool on Saturday 14th May, the Open Table Network worked in partnership with others in Merseyside to offer an alternative event which showcased the Liverpool City Region as a safe, friendly and welcoming place for LGBT+ people of all faiths and none. At an …
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/05/21/what-needs-to-be-healed-on-franklin-grahams-uk-tour-support-for-conversion-therapy/
May 14
Justice, dignity and solidarity – Why I have become a Methodist
TODAY I became a member of the Methodist Church – it’s not something I imagined I would do, as little as ten months ago, never mind ten years ago when I began reflecting on my faith journey in this blog. Here is the testimony I read to introduce myself to the church I joined: Thank …
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/05/14/justice-dignity-and-solidarity-why-i-have-become-a-methodist/
Feb 27
The Church’s response to survivors: From stumbling block to stepping stone
LAST WEEK I shared my story in a
Methodist Church webinar on safeguarding: ‘The Church’s response to survivors: From stumbling block to stepping stone’.
Here is my response, some of which didn’t make the final edit.
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/02/27/the-churchs-response-to-survivors-from-stumbling-block-to-stepping-stone/
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/02/07/sharing-my-coming-out-story-for-lgbt-history-month/
Permanent link to this article: https://abravefaith.com/2022/02/01/gods-work-of-art-a-reflection-for-lgbt-history-month/
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