March 2018 archive

‘Today you will be with me in paradise’ – Saying farewell to Uncle Simon

ONE MORNING earlier this month, my sister called to say our uncle in Ireland was unwell, and that the hospital which had become his home had advised Mum to come and see him while there was still time. Mum and my sister were booking a flight to Dublin that afternoon, and Mum asked if I …

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The Examen: Practicing an attitude of gratitude

As part of St Bride’s Liverpool‘s Lent reflection series on ‘Holy Habits’, I shared my experience of the Examen, an invitation to daily thankfulness: In St Paul’s letter to the Colossians (3: 12-17), he tells the church in Colossae to ‘Always be thankful’ in everything they say or do, giving thanks to God in the name …

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