IN MAY 2023 I began the process of applying to begin training as a Methodist minister in 2024. This is the testimonial I wrote for a portfolio as part of my application.
Category: Meaning of Life
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Aug 31
An introspective retrospective – 10 years of blogging
TEN YEARS AGO today (as I turned 42) I began this blog. I wrote a brief retrospective after five years. Here’s an update on the next five: having ‘come out of the Catholic church‘ in 2011, then authorised as a lay leader in Church of England, I have now become a Methodist thanks to its commitment …
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Jan 09
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans – What I learned from the #10YearChallenge
While I don’t usually take part in social media trends, this one seemed worthwhile, as this past ten years has been particularly significant for me.
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Dec 13
Will you welcome #HomelessJesus this Christmas?
TODAY the YMCAs in the Liverpool City Region gathered for a carol service in the city’s Parish Church, opposite the world famous Liver Building. As the chaplain for YMCA Liverpool and YMCA St Helens, I gave a reflection on the Christmas story and what it means for the people the YMCA supports
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Feb 07
Every day can be #TimeToTalk Day
ON THE FIRST Thursday in February each year, the UK charity Time to Change helps to challenge the stigma around mental distress and promote mental well-being by encouraging everyone to take ‘Time To Talk’ about mental health.
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Dec 26
Seize the day – in memory of Stephen
JUST HEARD that Stephen – my friend and neighbour for almost 12 years – has died suddenly. I was too busy to visit him in hospital the last time he was there – in fact I didn’t even know he’d gone in again this month. He made this great montage of photos for Warren and I a couple of …
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Dec 24
Live fully, love wastefully, be all you can be – A reflection for #Christmas by John Shelby Spong
AT A carol service this month, hosted by the Open Table inclusive Christian community in Liverpool, I read one of the readings, which I found moving, inspiring and too good not to share. It’s an extract from a lecture called ‘Jesus for the non-religious’ by John Shelby Spong, a retired US Episcopalian Bishop: Suppose we change our …
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Dec 11
Welcome into the story! A reflection for the YMCA Christmas carol service
LAST WEEK the YMCAs in the Liverpool City Region gathered for a carol service in the city’s Parish Church, opposite the world famous Liver Building. As the chaplain for YMCA Liverpool, and just starting as chaplain for the YMCA in the neighbouring town of St Helens, I gave a reflection on the Christmas story and …
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Mar 30
‘Today you will be with me in paradise’ – Saying farewell to Uncle Simon
ONE MORNING earlier this month, my sister called to say our uncle in Ireland was unwell, and that the hospital which had become his home had advised Mum to come and see him while there was still time. Mum and my sister were booking a flight to Dublin that afternoon, and Mum asked if I …
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Mar 01
The Examen: Practicing an attitude of gratitude
As part of St Bride’s Liverpool‘s Lent reflection series on ‘Holy Habits’, I shared my experience of the Examen, an invitation to daily thankfulness: In St Paul’s letter to the Colossians (3: 12-17), he tells the church in Colossae to ‘Always be thankful’ in everything they say or do, giving thanks to God in the name …
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