THERE SEEMS to be a synchronicity about some of the Photo A Day prompts – Friday was about ‘Colour’ just as we are choosing our carpet colours, today is about TV, just as we are getting rid of ours.
The decorator arrives tomorrow so we are clearing the lounge/dining room today. I put details of some bookshelves, the corner TV unit and this TV on Freegle within the last hour and already we have offers to come and collect.
Freegle is an Internet forum for people in the UK which aims to:
- Keep usable items out of landfill.
- Promote and support recycling among local community groups.
- Inform and educate the public about environmental matters related to the reuse and recycling of unwanted usable goods.
- Promote sustainable waste management practices.
If you are not a member, I recommend joining. It is an excellent and ethical way to pass on unwanted items in good condition, and sometimes you can be lucky and find something you are looking for too.
Due to our busy diaries, we are seldom at home to watch live TV, so usually we watch stuff we record or highlights from the previous week on our digital TV box.
When we do have free time, it is too tempting to sit down, switch on the TV and switch off the mind. I have been making a conscious effort to watch less TV in recent years, and will be happy to have a break from it for a couple of weeks, maybe longer, while we reorganise the room.
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