Category: Liverpool

Are you proud of your heterosexuality?

DID YOU KNOW that July is becoming known as ‘Heterosexual Awareness Month’? Now that the month has passed, are you more aware of your own, or other people’s, heterosexuality? I’m guessing the answer is no – and I’m guessing that most of you probably don’t feel the need for a particular time to be proud …

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Stephen Fry visit to Liverpool LGBT youth group February 2013 – Part 2

IN FEBRUARY 2013, Stephen Fry came to Liverpool to meet members of the Liverpool LGBT youth group GYRO (gay youth ‘r’ out) to find out about their experiences of being young and LGBT in 21st Century Britain. It was planned as part of his documentary on homophobia called Stephen Fry: Out There which was first broadcast by the BBC …

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‘You’re not who I thought you were’ – Supporting LGBTQ young people

1 Isolation

This article about my work was published last week on the blog of Young Minds, the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people: Coming out to yourself… …is the first step FOR THE LAST nine years, I have had the pleasure of supporting young people …

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A call to action as Catholic Church consults on marriage and family life

A CALL TO ACTION, a group of Catholics campaigning for greater openness and dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church, is calling for the results of a consultation on sexual ethics to be released. The survey was commissioned by Pope Francis and sent to Catholic bishops around the world last November, with instructions to consult as …

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Churches support LGBT Christians on Rainbow Sunday

RAINBOW SUNDAY came to the Church of England last weekend – Clergy and parishioners across the country wore rainbows to show solidarity with LGBT people in protest against the House of Bishops ‘pastoral guidance’ on same sex marriage, issued last month. The campaign is backed by Inclusive Church, a group committed to working for a church that is welcoming and …

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Stephen Fry visit to Liverpool LGBT youth group February 2013 – Part 1

A YEAR AGO TODAY, Stephen Fry came to Liverpool to meet members of the Liverpool LGBT youth group GYRO (gay youth ‘r’ out) to find out about their experiences of being young and LGBT in 21st Century Britain. It was planned as part of his documentary on homophobia called Stephen Fry: Out There which was …

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Give LGBT youth a sporting chance by tackling prejudice – UPDATED

LAST WEDNESDAY: former Aston Villa and Everton midfielder Thomas Hitzlsperger, who resigned from professional football last September, announced he is gay. No other professional footballer currently playing in this country has had the courage to do the same. Hitzlsperger said there is “a long way to go” before there will be an  openly gay man playing in …

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A matter of integrity: The Church, sexuality, inclusion and an open conversation

AS THE GOVERNMENT has announced the date when the first marriages for same sex couples in England and Wales can take place, churches which remain challenged by this social change would do well to follow the lead of Steve Chalke, a high-profile evangelical church leader, who earlier this year called for a radical rethink of Christian …

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Stephen Fry: Out There – Meeting the gay TV presenter tackling global homophobia

LAST WEEK the BBC screened Stephen Fry: Out There, a ground-breaking two part documentary about homophobia around the world. As the title suggests, it was presented by the multi-talented Stephen Fry, who describes himself on Twitter as: ‘British Actor, Writer, Lord of Dance, Prince of Swimwear & Blogger.’ During the making of the documentary, the …

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What does it mean to be an Inclusive Church?

LAST WEEKEND the church where my civil partner and I worship together celebrated Inclusive Church Sunday. Despite major building work which unexpectedly revealed the presence of asbestos, and has restricted access to the building during the week, last Sunday the doors opened for three special events to mark the occasion. The day was dedicated to Inclusive …

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