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Conservative Christian reaction to Cadbury Creme Egg advert made real-life queer couple question their faith

DID YOU HEAR the one about the advert which led to a huge petition for ‘trying to cause gratuitous offence to members of the Christian community’? Unfortunately it’s no joke – the petition has probably done more to harm the public perception of Christianity than the ad. Chocolate maker Cadbury launched the ad in January …

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Vatican statement declares blessing same-sex relationships is ‘illicit’

The Catholic Church’s office for promoting its teaching authority has issued a statement in response to a question: ‘Does the Church have the power to bless unions of persons of the same sex?’ The answer is ‘Negative’, in more ways than one. I wrote this response on behalf of The Open Table Network:

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Life-giving, loving, faithful God – Prayers for the Church of England’s Living in Love & Faith process

AS the Church of England is in the process of sharing its Living in Love and Faith (LLF) resources on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, I offer these prayers for everyone involved, and those who feel unable to be involved.

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Declaration of gay survivors of the Holocaust 50 years after their liberation #HolocaustMemorialDay

ln 1995 – for the first and only time – a group of gay survivors of the Holocaust issued a declaration demanding recognition as part of a project of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. Here is what they wrote:

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Be the light in the darkness – Why #HolocaustMemorialDay matters to our LGBTQIA+ Christian community

HOLOCAUST Memorial Day is marked on 27th January each year in the UK. I’ve compiled an online service of commemoration for the Open Table Network this month. Why does this matter to our LGBTQIA+ Christian community?

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God in solidarity – A Christmas reflection

‘God takes on flesh
and joins life in the struggle –
this is what radical solidarity feels like.’

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Salt & light – A reflection for #TransDayOfRemembrance

THIS is a guest post from Sarah Hobbs, Co-Chair of the Open Table Network (OTN), written for a vigil for this year’s Trans Day Of Remembrance, which falls on 20th November each year. It’s taken from OTN’s online vigil which premiered here on YouTube on the day. The service was written by OTN Co-Chair Alex …

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Who can be against us? Coming out as LGBT & Christian

THIS MONTH, as the Co-ordinator of the Open Table Network, I led the first of a new series of monthly online worship gatherings. We took the theme of ‘coming out’, as 11th October is marked around the world as ‘Coming Out Day’.

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‘A little tiny bit of what the world should be like’ – Open Table Network on BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship

THIS MORNING, one of the new Patrons of the Open Table Network, Rachel Mann, led BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Worship on the theme of ‘Urban Harvest’, and invited me as the Network Co-ordinator to share a short reflection. Traditionally harvest is a time to celebrate and offer thanksgiving for God’s bounty in nature. Rachel reflected on …

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‘Keep me out of Your way’ – Fr Mychal Judge, chaplain & casualty of 9/11

Father Mychal Judge was a little-known Franciscan friar ministering humbly to the disenfranchised and unloved on the streets of New York City… until September 11, 2001, when he suddenly became a global figure. As chaplain to the city’s Fire Department, he rushed to help first responders at the World Trade Center but was killed by …

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