Category: Christianity

Loving from the bottom of the heap – A gay Christian reading for Christmas

At a carol service last Sunday, hosted by Open Table, an LGBT Christian community in Liverpool, I read one of the readings, which I found moving, inspiring and too good not to share: The most powerful place from which to renew the face of the earth is the bottom of the heap. I often think of …

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Diversity Role Models – Challenging prejudice one story at a time

A YEAR AGO I trained as a volunteer with Diversity Role Models, a charity which offers workshops in schools featuring positive LGBT or straight ally role models who speak directly to young people about their experiences, to challenge bullying by promoting empathy. They began in London in 2011 and are now expanding across the UK, including …

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Would Jesus save the railways?

The name Jesus in graffiti on the side of a train

LAST WEEK a YouGov survey won the booby prize for the most stupid question in an opinion poll: Do you think Jesus would support or oppose renationalising the railways, so they are run in the public sector rather than by private companies? It’s unlikely Jesus would have held a view, given that public transport had not been …

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‘You gotta have faith’ – Diva magazine debate on faith & sexuality

Tonight in Liverpool, Diva magazine editor Jane Czyselska chaired a debate between veteran human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, Christian commentator and musician Vicky Beeching, Rose Neelam, a muslim and Faith Communities Officer at UK Black Pride, and lesbian Rabbi Ariel Friedlander, as part of the annual Homotopia LGBT arts festival. Read Peter Tatchell: My journey to Humanism Read …

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A very extraordinary synod

Early in the morning of Sunday 19th October I received a text message from the lay reader at our Anglican parish church, who was away for the weekend. This was unusual – what could be so urgent that she would text so early in the morning while she was on holiday? The text read: ‘Dear …

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Bringing all of yourself – LGBT Christian retreat day

OPEN TABLE, the monthly service for Liverpool’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* (LGBT) community at St Bride’s Liverpool, held its first Retreat Day last weekend. Twelve regular participants in the Open Table service came together at the Cenacle Convent in Liverpool for a time of reflection on where we have come from as individuals and what …

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Reflect on the week – Friday guided meditation

LAST YEAR, on pilgrimage to Bardsey Island with St Bride’s Church, Liverpool, I led night prayer each evening based on the spiritual practice known as the Examen, created by Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. From this came the request to offer this practice regularly at St Bride’s, in the form of a guided meditation …

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A call to action as Catholic Church consults on marriage and family life

A CALL TO ACTION, a group of Catholics campaigning for greater openness and dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church, is calling for the results of a consultation on sexual ethics to be released. The survey was commissioned by Pope Francis and sent to Catholic bishops around the world last November, with instructions to consult as …

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UK: Same-Sex Marriage Dawns, Equality Fight Continues

THE CLOCKS WENT FORWARD in the UK last weekend, in more ways than one. The official start of British Summer Time with daylight saving coincided with the legalisation of same-sex marriages in England and Wales. So began an extraordinary week for LGBT equality. On Saturday March 29th, lesbian and gay couples around the country vied …

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Churches support LGBT Christians on Rainbow Sunday

RAINBOW SUNDAY came to the Church of England last weekend – Clergy and parishioners across the country wore rainbows to show solidarity with LGBT people in protest against the House of Bishops ‘pastoral guidance’ on same sex marriage, issued last month. The campaign is backed by Inclusive Church, a group committed to working for a church that is welcoming and …

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