Photo A Day – December 1: 8 o’clock #FMSphotoaday

For the background to the Photo A Day challenge, please read the intro to Day 1 here.

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Photo A Day – November 30: On the wall #FMSphotoaday

‘HOW DEEP dare I go? How far might I reach?’ These challenging questions form part of a framed display of the life story St Ignatius of Loyola on the wall of Loyola Hall Jesuit Spirituality Centre in Merseyside. I went there with an early draft of of my ‘coming out’ story to make an eight …

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Photo A Day – November 29: Big #FMSphotoaday

IN A SUNSET SKY, above the chimney pots, a dark speck moves towards the trees. Is it a bird? No. Is it a plane? Yes. A huge jet carrying hundreds of people and huge amounts of luggage appears as big as a leaf on the trees below… For the background to the Photo A Day …

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Photo A Day – November 28: Vehicle #FMSphotoaday

FOR THE LAST nine years I have lived without a vehicle. Maybe next year we could buy one but, as these car magazines show, the choices and costs are bewildering! It’s almost ten years since I moved to Liverpool. When I came to visit for New Year 2002, ‘joy-riders’ stole my car from a cinema …

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Photo A Day – November 27: Tree #FMSphotoaday

  YESTERDAY CHRISTMAS came to our street, when these ‘green’ decorations appeared on the street lights. They are Christmas trees that wrap around the pole of the lamp post, with a solar panel attached at the top where the star might go. During the day, the trees are not lit, but as soon as it …

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Photo A Day – November 26: In the cupboard #FMSphotoaday

AS I LEFT home this morning, workmen were installing Christmas decorations on the street lights outside our house. It seems a little early to be putting up decorations, but I suppose it is only four weeks until Christmas Eve. Our decorations remain in the cupboard. This year we will be with my family in London …

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Photo A Day – November 25: Sky #FMSphotoaday

TODAY THE SKY was ‘dunduckety grey’, as my mother might say. ‘What’s dunduckety grey?’ you ask.  ‘The colour of a mouse’s diddy,’ she would reply. So instead of a dull rectangle of sodden sky, I thought I’d share the one we’d rather see on days like this. Taken a few weeks ago as I walked …

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Photo A Day – November 24: Sound #FMSphotoaday

TODAY I was at a workshop about sharing good practice examples of LGBT work in schools. The sound I heard today was inspiration. As coordinator of the longest running LGBT youth group in the country, I receive requests to speak in schools and deliver workshops on LGBT awareness for young people. Other colleagues from around …

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Photo A Day – Day 23: Black #FMSphotoaday

THIS YEAR was the first time I heard of Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving in the USA which officially marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Some British online retailers like Past Times and Curry’s have begun to get in on the act, promoting huge discounts ahead of the December rush by last-minute …

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Photo A Day – November 22: Grateful #FMSphotoaday

AT THE young people’s charity where I run the LGBT youth group, these thank you cards stand on the bookcase behind my desk. On days when deadlines loom and papers topple off the piles in my in-tray, these good wishes, from young people I have supported, volunteers I have managed, and students we have trained, …

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